Dentec industry articles

Are You Losing Patients? Here Are 5 Ways to Stop Them Leaving

Written by Jono Stewart | Aug 21, 2024 1:21:37 AM

Running a successful dental practice involves more than just providing excellent patient care. In today’s competitive landscape, patient retention is crucial for maintaining a thriving practice. If you’ve noticed a decline in patient visits or an increase in patients switching to other dental professionals, it’s time to take action. Here are five effective strategies to help you retain your patients and ensure your practice continues to grow.

1. Address Staff Turnover

Staff turnover is a significant challenge for dental clinics, disrupting service continuity, increasing patient uncertainty, and diminishing care quality. This issue manifests in several ways:

Patient Satisfaction

Patients often build trust and confidence with familiar staff. Frequent turnover can break this trust, leading patients to seek care elsewhere. Conversely, retaining staff fosters greater patient loyalty and trust.

Efficiency of Dental Processes

High turnover necessitates new hires and training, impacting the budget and efficiency. New staff need time to adapt, which can slow down processes. A stable team, however, continuously improves and becomes more efficient over time. View our inspiration guide to see how we can build efficiency into your next fitout. 

Morale and Teamwork

Constant turnover affects morale and teamwork. Employees burdened by frequent changes and additional responsibilities may experience decreased cohesion, impacting overall work dynamics.

2. Understand Patient Spending Habits and Prioritisation

Unaffordable dental service prices can deter patients, reducing practice revenues. Understanding New Zealand’s socioeconomic conditions and consumption habits is crucial. As living costs rise, financial priorities shift, often away from dental care. Stats NZ reports that between 2019 and 2023, most New Zealanders prioritised food, housing, and utilities over education and health. Adjusting service prices to be more affordable can attract more patients and enhance loyalty.

3. Enhance Dental CLINIC Appeal

The visual appeal of your dental office is crucial for attracting and retaining patients. Staying updated with the latest trends in interior design and ergonomic principles can significantly enhance patient trust and loyalty. Additionally, refreshing your brand can inject new energy into your practice.

Renovating for Aesthetic Appeal

Enhancing the aesthetics of your dental space boosts patient comfort and confidence. Start with the reception area, as it forms the first impression. Modernise this space with comfortable furniture and soothing decor. Incorporate elements such as plants and art to create a relaxing environment.

Treatment Rooms

Treatment rooms should mirror the reception area’s aesthetics while also being functional. Investing in the latest equipment not only enhances professionalism but also ensures top-notch service. View our range of premium equipment solutions or download our latest equipment catalogue.

4. Implement Patient Retention Strategies

To ensure continuous growth for your dental practice, it’s crucial to attract new patients while retaining existing ones. An effective plan will help you build strong relationships with patients, turning them into ambassadors who attract new clients.

Dental Care Plans

Care plans should focus on consultations and procedures tailored to specific patient needs, with continuous health monitoring. During the first visit, conduct a clinical examination and assess the patient’s health. Based on this, create a personalised treatment plan that includes procedure appointments, post-treatment visits, and preventative measures.

Clear Communication

Ensure your patients understand the procedure, financial implications, and expected results. Use visual aids to explain processes and expectations. Clearly outline financial costs and payment methods to ensure treatments are affordable. Regular contact with patients post-procedure will help ensure a successful recovery and reinforce your clinic’s reputation as a caring, professional practice.

5. Techniques for Re-engaging Lapsed Patients

Patients may not return to your clinic for various reasons, such as post-treatment issues, poor communication, or personal negligence. Here are effective techniques to re-engage lapsed patients:

Organising Data

Create a database of patients who haven’t visited in the past year. Task your staff with analysing and identifying these patients to gain detailed insights.

Contacting Patients

Reach out to patients via phone, email, or text message. Start with those who haven’t visited in a long time and remind them of the importance of regular checkups. If they agree, schedule an appointment promptly. If there’s no response, follow up with an email or text message.

Revisiting Reactivated Patients

Prepare your staff to welcome reactivated patients. This approach can help increase your workload and attract new patients. Keep records of patients who do not return, in case they decide to come back in the future.

Grow your dental practice with Dentec

By addressing these common pain points, you can significantly improve patient retention and ensure the long-term success of your dental clinic practice management. Implementing these strategies will not only help you retain your current patients but also attract new ones, ultimately boosting your practice’s growth and profitability.

By focusing on these key areas, you can create a thriving dental practice that benefits your patients and your team. Remember, patient retention is not just about keeping patients from leaving; it’s about creating an environment where they feel valued, understood, and well-cared for.

For a comprehensive guide on growing your dental practice, including detailed strategies for patient retention, financial stability, and operational efficiency, download our full guide: Guide to Growing Your Dental Practice: Strategies for Success.